In this section of the blog, I thought it would be interesting to document all the 'give and takes' that I experience with the garden. It would be really interesting to me (and hopefully you) all of the things I have put into the garden and all of what I take back. In Permaculture this is known as 'in-put' and 'out-put', and is mainly concentrated on each element within the system. One element supports another, and in an ideal Permaculture world, it's supposed to be self sustaining.
In this case though I'm just really wanting to know how much, and what goes into the garden. That's the 'Give' bit. So the whole garden, all the elements combined will be seen a one. Such as;
Soil amendments - clay, compost, manure, rock dust, critical elements, liquid tonics, mulches.
Chicken food & water. My time & effort.
Garden equipment, maintenance & construction items.
Fruit trees, seeds, seedlings, plants.
Straw, lucerne hay, potting mix, pots
As in regards to the 'take', its basically going to be a harvest tally. How much and what the harvests are. Harvest will NOT include greens to the chooks and food that is grazed on when outside, and alot I grow is for seed saving too!! This is just the harvests that make it into the kitchen. This will be also seen as one combined element. Month by month it will awesome to see just how much food can be produce on a suburban sized block. I will be harvesting from;
The garden (plants in the soil) a bio-diverse Food Forest area with Fruit Trees, Annuals and Perennials etc.
-One dedicated intensive annual veg area.
4 Chickens, small sized Wicking Beds, A.P System.
Edibles grown in pots, and the Pond.
October 2012
Give - 5 garbage bags of rabbit bedding/manure/sawdust. 1 bale of straw, 1 rescue chicken, 2 IBC's - ALL FREE-ish, 11 bags of manure,
Take - 118 eggs, 286g garlic, 207g sugar snap peas, 330g broad beans, 568g greens, 4.593kg potatoes
November 2012
Give 11 bags of mixed cow/chook manure $60, $19 seedlings, 10 Silver Perch
Take - 114 eggs, 95g beans, 369g greens, 250g leek, 693g tomatoes, 3.42kg chilacyote, 1.039kg peaches, 1.030kg sweet potato
Give 11 bags of mixed cow/chook manure $60, $19 seedlings, 10 Silver Perch
Take - 114 eggs, 95g beans, 369g greens, 250g leek, 693g tomatoes, 3.42kg chilacyote, 1.039kg peaches, 1.030kg sweet potato
October 2012
Give - 5 garbage bags of rabbit bedding/manure/sawdust. 1 bale of straw, 1 rescue chicken, 2 IBC's - ALL FREE-ish, 11 bags of manure,
Take - 118 eggs, 286g garlic, 207g sugar snap peas, 330g broad beans, 568g greens, 4.593kg potatoes
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